Be a hero. Finish your degree.

About Middle Tennessee Reconnect Community

What if every person who didn’t finish college had the resources to come back and earn a degree?

Why it Matters

How It Works

Meet Your Team

The Middle Tennessee Reconnect Community is a local community organization dedicated to supporting every adult in the region who aspires to earn a college degree. We work to ensure each adult has access to resources and supports necessary to start and finish their college degree. This initiative is supported through TN Reconnect, the state’s mission help adults enter higher education to gain new skills and advance in the workplace. The State’s Reconnect Community Network links communities like this one throughout Tennessee who are all working to help adults pursue and complete their college goals. The Middle Tennessee Reconnect Community also works in partnership with the Graduate! Network, a national nonprofit, with a mission of increasing the number of adults completing college. The Tennessee Reconnect Community initiative is based on the Graduate! Network’s collective impact model for improving outcomes for adult learners by engaging local community organizations to provide adults with advising, support, and a personalized path to and through college.

Director, Middle Tennessee Reconnect Community